The Impact of Technological Progress on Job Security:

A Call for Equitable Solutions

Aug 21, 2023

In today’s world, the rapid development of artificial intelligence and technology has brought significant changes to the labor market. While debates about the implications of these advancements persist, this article focuses on the pressing issue of job security in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Economic crises have often caused temporary job reductions, but the permanent decline in job opportunities can be attributed to the rise of alternative technologies. Employing technology to replace human labor with more efficient machines and software, provided it is environmentally friendly, is a justifiable approach. However, the concern lies in how this newfound efficiency should lead to an decrease in working hours for employees.

Companies invest in new technologies primarily to cut costs and maximize profits. While this is a natural business objective, we must question why the adoption of technology cannot also lead to improved working conditions and reduced working hours for employees. Despite accelerated processes in various departments, many personnel still work the traditional 8-hour shifts.

Imagine a scenario where an employee provides a technological tool that allows them to complete their daily tasks in just 4 hours. Should they be obliged to stay at work for the full 8 hours and be assigned additional duties, or could they leave the workplace after completing their designated tasks, while still receiving the same salary?


While investing in alternative technologies incurs additional costs, these expenses often pale in comparison to the long-term savings derived from reducing human labor hours. The pertinent question arises: why should company owners be the primary beneficiaries of technological development, while the dedicated employees, who have contributed for years, bear the brunt of job insecurity?

This dilemma has sparked debates in various societies. Despite remarkable improvements in work processes and efficiency, the standard full-time working hours in organizations remain unchanged. Shouldn’t the benefits of technological progress be equally shared among all members of society?

Moreover, it is essential to acknowledge that high-tech companies owe their success to consumers, the people who embrace and utilize their technological innovations. This symbiotic relationship between consumers and technology companies should prompt us to explore more equitable solutions.

In conclusion, the impact of technological progress on job security demands careful consideration. Embracing innovation is essential for societal advancement, but it should not come at the expense of job security and employee well-being. Striving for a fair distribution of the benefits of technological development is crucial, ensuring that both companies and their employees thrive in an increasingly digital world.